Monday, December 31, 2012

Our Most Popular Posts of 2012

Happy New Year!

Here we are at the end of another year. We can't believe it! Remember when you were a child and time would move so slow? Now that we are all grown up, it just seems to barrel at you! 

Looking back on the year, we just want to say how much we appreciate all of our friends, clients and followers of Sunflower Supper Club. It is awesome to be surrounded by so many supporters and it means a lot to us. Thanks so much for being here and know how much we appreciate you!

During the past few days, we've seen a lot of food blogs post their top posts of 2012 and thought it would be interesting to see what ours were. Here are our most popular posts of 2012. Some were surprising to us, as they were not posts that received the most comments or generated a big buzz on facebook.  Our top post went viral over a year ago and it is still going strong! It was fun to look back over the year. Looking forward to what 2013 brings.

Wishing you and yours the best in 2013!
~Kim and Julie
Our best of 2012!

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