Friday, June 8, 2012

Weekend Potluck #21

Let's get right to the main event...

This week, we have made a few changes to Weekend Potluck. The most important change? We've added an amazing new cohost... Holly from Life As a Lofthouse.
I know that you are just as happy to have Holly on our team as we are and will bring only your BEST recipes to her welcome party. {wink, wink}
Psst... Bloggers, for the other changes, please read the linky guidelines. Thanks!
Before we celebrate with our new co-host, let's take a quick peek back at last week...

The recipe with the most clicks was ~

Cherries Jubilee by Everyday Mom's Meals

Recipes that caught our attention ~

Peanut Butter Nutella Cake recipe
                                        Peanut Butter Nutella Cake by A'Lil Country Sugar
Caprese Chicken recipe
                                               Caprese Chicken by Lisa's Dinnertime Dish

And, a personal favorite ~

White Chocolate Salted Caramel Gooey Bars
                        White Chocolate Salted Caramel Gooey Bars by Cupcakes and Kale Chips
If you were featured today, please feel free to grab the red “featured” button from my sidebar.

Your hosts ~

Remember that when you link up, it shows on all SIX blogs. Plus…


Linky Guidelines: If you wish to be a featured recipe or for us to promote your recipe either on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, you MUST follow these instructions.
  1. Please link up to your exact post and not the main page to your blog.
  2. LINK BACK HERE from your post so that others can find the fun. (Need help linking back? Read this or watch this great instructional video.) You can use the button below or a direct link within your post.
When you are kind enough to follow our guidelines, we work hard to get you as much exposure as possible so that your time here is well invested. We want this to be a fun and rewarding experience for everyone!


Lisa @ Lisa's Dinnertime Dish said...

Thank you so much for featuring my Caprese Chicken this week! It was a great surprise to wake up to! I have to say your Southern Jalapeno "Fudge" sounds divine! I could probably eat a whole pan of that myself! Have a fabulous weekend! :)

Itsnotjustabouttherecipe said...

Thanks so much for hosting! Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

You all are BAD for my ever growing "To Try" pile. :)

mjskit said...

Your jalapeno fudge looks scrumptious! Spicy eggs and cheese - WOW! This recipe is a keeper for sure. thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

Ashley Ditto said...


Spicy Food said...

Great website...and cool article man...thanx for the great post...keep on posting such articles..

Kim (Sunflower Supper Club) said...

Thanks so much for visiting! We do love our spicy food around here!

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