Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's a Cookie Swap!

I can't believe another holiday season is now upon us. Next week at this time we Americans will be preparing a great feast to give Thanks for all we hold dear, and then the joyous Christmas season. I absolutely love this time of year, as I'm sure many of you do as well! Over the years I have been invited to many cookie swaps and I never seem to know what to bring. Well, my blogging friend Julie over at White Lights on Wednesday asked if I wanted to participate in an online cooking swap. I thought what a great opportunity to get some fantastic cookie recipes for future exchanges. I'd like to invite you to participate. Check out the details below to see how the Cookie Swap is going to work.

Julie has put together a great group of gals and if you aren't familiar with their blogs, be sure to stop by and show some love. Your co-hostesses are:

So here's the deal if you want to party.  Click the sign-up button below, fill out the form, and pick your favorite Christmas cookie recipe.  There is a place to note if you have food allergies or dietary preferences in your house that your sender should be conscious of (your partners will have the same diet preferences as you, if possible).  Everyone will send their recipe to their assigned partner.  The person you send a recipe to will not be the same person you receive a recipe from.

By signing up you agree to mail a hand written copy of your cookie recipe to your recipient.  You also agree to make the recipe sent to you and share photos and the recipe in a blog post.  If you do not have a blog, you can still participate!  Simply send your photos, recipe, and thoughts on the experience to and one of the co-hosts will share your "post" on their blog.

Are you ready to start baking & get in the Christmas cookie spirit?

{Sign Up is open through Nov. 23rd at 11:59pm}

1 comment:

Deb A said...

Glad to be co-hosting with you!

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