Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pronto Pups

In just 3 short weeks from tomorrow the Kansas State Fair will be in full swing. My family has always loved the fair. We will make several trips to the fair during the 10 days it is here. I know without a doubt that the first thing we will do upon entering the fairgrounds is make a beeline for one of the little yellow buildings that house one of the finest treats the fair has to offer, The Pronto Pup! The kids have been talking about Pronto Pups for several weeks and after last year they wanted to try to recreate their favorite treat. Now, I have been eating these "banquet on a stick" for many years and I know that there is no recreating them in your home, but who am I to kill a child's dream? We did a little research and found that a pronto pup is made with a mixture of wheat and rice flours and corn meal. It has more wheat flour than corn meal and that is what makes it a Pronto Pup and not a Corn Dog. If you don't have rice flour you can find it in the specialty flours and mixes in the store. I'm sure you could just replace it with an equal amount of wheat flour. Just please don't call it a corn dog! No it doesn't taste exactly like a Pronto Pup from the fair, but it will be a great substitute when we can't get the real thing!
Pronto Pups
1  cup flour
1/2  cup corn meal
1/2  cup rice flour
1/4  cup sugar
4  teaspoons baking powder
1   teaspoon salt
1/2  teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 cups milk
2  eggs
2 (1 pound) packages all beef hot dogs
16 sticks (I used the sticks that you use for caramel apples) 
Additional flour for rolling the hot dogs in (about 1/4 to 1/3 cup)
Vegetable Oil for frying

In a medium bowl, combine the flour, corn meal, rice flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and black pepper. Whisk to combine. In a small bowl lightly beat the eggs and add the milk. Slowly mix the milk and egg mixture into your dry ingredients. Pour the batter into a tall glass and let rest a few minutes.

Place the additional flour on a plate. Make sure your hot dogs are good and dry. Insert the stick into one end of the hot dog and roll them in the flour. Shake to remove the excess flour, you just want a light coating.  Dip the hot dog into the batter and swirl to coat, as you remove the hot dog from the batter shake slightly to remove excess batter. Before placing the hot dog in the hot oil turn the dog upright so the batter sets. (That's what they said on the official Pronto Pup website!)

Fry in vegetable oil at 375 degrees for about 2-3 minutes until golden brown, turning once.

Hope to see you at the Kansas State Fair!


Linked to the following link parties:
Our very own Weekend Potluck
Walking on Sunshine Foodie Friends Linky Party
Six Sisters' Stuff Strut Your Stuff Saturday
Everyday Mom's Meals Church Supper


Unknown said...

not really a hotdog fan but these look good. May make me a hotdog fan if I try this recipe. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday and remember to come and vote on Sunday.

Unknown said...

I am now craving a corn dog, like hard core. Haha That picture seriously looks fantastic! I'll have to try these for sure :) New follower here. Yay for being blog friends!! Feel free to stop by and say hi!

Kim (Sunflower Supper Club) said...

Thanks! So glad you stopped by. Off to check out your blog. Come back anytime!

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