Wednesday, April 4, 2012

English Muffin and Canadian Bacon Egg Bake

I love a great egg casserole. I love that they can be assembled the night before and then they are just popped in the oven in the morning. As my family and some of my dear friends could tell you, I am not much of a morning person. Please just give me my coffee and a little bit of time to read the paper, check my computer, and just contemplate my day. Dan on the other hand, hits the ground running and it can drive me nuts some mornings! (Love you honey!)

This casserole has a flavor similar to Eggs Benedict. We love Eggs Benedict at our house and Dan is a master cook when it comes to breakfast.  I would have to say Eggs Benedict and Biscuits and Gravy are his specialties.  As I've told you before the kids love when he is not traveling for work because he makes them a hot breakfast most mornings when he is home.  I'll do a hot breakfast on the weekends and of course the mornings of their birthdays, if Dan's not home. If you like Eggs Benedict give this casserole a try when you don't feel like putting in the work.  

English Muffin and Canadian Bacon Egg Bake
5  English muffins, split
4  tablespoons butter, softened
8 ounces Canadian Bacon, about 12 slices (or substitute diced ham)
10 large eggs
1 1/2 cups milk or 1/2 and 1/2
1/2 cup mayonnaise, light is not recommended
3  tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1  teaspoon Frank's Hot Sauce
1  teaspoon dry mustard
1  teaspoon onion powder

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9 x 13 inch dish with cooking spray. Spread the butter on the cut sides on of English muffins and cut them into 1 inch pieces; spread the muffin pieces in the bottom of the dish. The pieces won't be in a single layer, some will be overlapping a little.

Cut the Canadian bacon into quarters and spread on top of the muffins. 

In a medium bowl, mix the eggs, milk or 1/2 and 1/2, mayonnaise, lemon juice, Frank's hot sauce, dry mustard and onion powder.  Gently pour the egg mixture over the muffins and Canadian Bacon. Gently press down on the English muffins making sure they are coated with the egg mixture. Cover and place in the fridge overnight.

In the morning take the casserole out of the fridge and let stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.  Bake for about 45-50 minutes until the eggs are set. Tent with foil if the top of the casserole is getting too brown. 



Linked to the following great parties:
Katherine Martinelli Mother's Day Link Party

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