Monday, February 27, 2012

Hot Fudge Brownie Cake

Wanted:  Magazine Club

I belong to a book club, as I am sure many of you do.  We are to read 1 book per month.  I always start out the month with grand expectations of reading the book, having plenty of time to mull over the plot and sub plots and then maybe even move onto another book that I can then share with the group when we meet.

These expectations are never met.  I do well to read the chosen book for the month.  Reading another book never happens unless I am on vacation.  I used to worry about this – because so many in my book club read several books per month.  However, I worry no more.

See, I made a discovery in the last few weeks about myself.  As I was pondering why so many of my fellow book club members could read so much each month and I was doing well to finish the book club selection – it came to me - my real love is magazines!!!  Now, I am sure many of you spend time on facebook or pinterest or even watching TV – not me.  I’m admitting it – I still like magazines.  Now, not gossip or those Hollywood type magazines but food related ones.  My last count is I subscribe to 8 of them (don’t tell my husband).  I rationalize it as business research and development!!!  But, I do enjoy relaxing with a magazine and looking at it several times over.

I am sure you are wondering why I don’t just use the internet for new ideas –well, I do a little of that but I still feel you can find many great ideas in a magazine.  So, I decided I needed to start a Magazine Club!!!!  Anyone interested – it could be a nationwide phenomenon!!   Read the magazine – talk about all the recipes, hints and decorating ideas – have a glass of wine and some good food. Well, maybe there are only 2 other people that would feel this way.  But, just for the record – I still attend my book club and I still like magazines.

I found this wonderful little recipe in a MAGAZINE - one of my favorites – Southern Living.  Give this little chocolate cake recipe a try- you won’t be disappointed and it is just the kind of recipe that can be done quick and easy.

 Hot Fudge Brownie Cake

1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 ¼ cups sugar, divided
½ cup milk, room temperature
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ cup firmly packed light brown sugar
¼ cup unsweetened cocoa
1 ½ cups boiling water

Heat oven to 350.  Stir together flour, next 3 ingredients and ¾ cup sugar in a large bowl.  Stir in milk, oil and vanilla.  Spread the batter in a lightly greased 8” square pan.

Combine the brown sugar, cocoa and remaining ½ cup sugar in a small bowl; sprinkle over the batter in pan.  Using a spoon, gently drizzle the boiling water over the batter spoon by spoon, being careful not to disturb the layers. (DO NOT STIR)  This is important so don’t try and hurry.  You want the dry mixture to stay a layer under the liquid.

Bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until a cake layer forms on top and the layer springs back when touched.  Let cool on a wire rack for 20 – 30 minutes.  Serving it warm is ideal.  Adding a scoop of ice cream doesn’t hurt either!!

TIP:  You can substitute coffee for the boiling water and make a Mocha fudge cake – delicious too!!!

Hope you enjoy!


1 comment:

Azlin Bloor said...

This has got to be one of my favourites! You've done a perfect job here! I'm drooling!

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